Lease and Lease Attachment Revisions Taking Effect October 1, 2019


60-Day Notice of Lease and Lease Attachment Revisions Taking Effect October 1, 2019

Residents were previously notified that the Oklahoma City Housing Authority would be considering a new lease and several changes to lease attachments, and your comments on the proposed changes were accepted for a 30-day period ending June 26, 2019. After accounting for resident comments, on July 24, 2019, the Board of Commissioners approved the new lease and the revisions to the lease attachments, effective October 1, 2019. The following documents have been changed or revised, and are offered for your review:

  1. Dwelling Lease
  2. Animal Ownership Policy
  3. Bed Bug Policy
  4. Tobacco-Free Policy
  5. Tenant Grievance Procedures
  6. House Rules
  7. Tenant Maintenance Charges List

These changed and revised documents are available for review at the Manager’s Office, or by clicking DWELLING LEASE SAMPLE.pdf.